keurig coffee

Another gorgeous summer morning!  Thanks so much for coming by, let’s sit outside, shall we?  What do you have planned today?

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you how happy I was that my sister received birthday cards from all of us, all her sisters, yesterday, on her birthday.  I was hoping mine would make it in time. Since she’s several states away, you can never tell with the mail. Also, we were talking on the phone when she opened it, so I got to hear her reaction! My card had cats on it and meowed Happy Birthday when you open it. Hahaha.

I’d tell you that I finally folded and bought some bluetooth wireless earbuds. I love them but they sound like crap with my work laptop, which is why I bought them. ?? Hopefully IT can help me on Monday. It will be nice to actually roll two feet to open a drawer and not rip my earbuds out or not have them constantly get caught in my lanyard.

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you how excited I am about an idea Bill had several days ago – one of these years, instead of riding our motorcycles out west, we pull our new trailer and rent bikes. This wouldn’t be during the Sturgis Rally, we’d go another time during the summer. During rally week there probably is not a rental bike to be found and the everything is ridiculously expensive. So we wouldn’t see our friends that year for the rally, but we’d get to experience our two week escape to South Dakota in a new way.  I’m geeked!

This time of year, I’m asked the same question often – so are you getting ready for your trip?  Oh yes. Our dining room is filled with our gear as we go over lists of what we bring and what we still need to do. Several years back when I worked for Thunder Roads magazine I wrote a blog post about it. I may do another, as we’ve gathered several tricks through the years and someone may find them useful!

If we were having coffee, I’d ask for suggestions for Road Trip Sunday! It’s shaping up to be a beautiful day and I can’t wait to go explore. Plus Bill put a new rear tire on my bike yesterday and I’d like to get some miles on it before we leave. There’s got to be some roads around here we haven’t been on! Maybe not.

Thanks for stopping by!


#weekendcoffeeshare is hosted by Part-Time Monster!  Come on over and join us!  Here’s the scoop..

 weekend coffee share

2 thoughts on “If We Were Having Coffee… 7/17/16”
  1. Have a safe trip when go on it. I not a biker, so I don’t know much about it. We traveled in a Motorhome for about 15 years. At first our dogs went with us. After lost them we added a Bengal cat, Kato to our family. He traveled with us for the first 6 years of his life. He is now 14 years.
    Betty Louise Davenport recently posted…SAVE OUR COZIES MARATHONMy Profile

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